As Seen On Marilyn Denis Show


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Making your home more energy-efficient not only helps the environment but can also save you money on utility bills. Here are five things you can do to make your home more energy-efficient:

  1. Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Appliances: Replace old, energy-guzzling appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and water heaters with Energy Star-rated models. These appliances are designed to consume less energy while providing the same level of performance.

  2. Seal and Insulate: Proper insulation and sealing can prevent drafts and keep your home's temperature stable. Check for gaps around doors, windows, and vents, and use weatherstripping and caulking to seal them. Adding insulation to your attic and walls can also significantly reduce heat loss.

  3. Programmable Thermostat: Install a programmable thermostat or a smart thermostat. These devices allow you to schedule heating and cooling to match your daily routine, so you're not wasting energy when you're not at home or when you're sleeping.

  4. LED Lighting: Replace incandescent and CFL bulbs with energy-efficient LED lighting. LED bulbs use significantly less energy and last longer, reducing both your energy consumption and the frequency of bulb replacements.

  5. Energy-Efficient Windows: If your budget allows, consider upgrading your windows to energy-efficient double- or triple-pane windows. These windows provide better insulation and can prevent heat from escaping during the winter and entering during the summer.

Additionally, there are several other smaller steps you can take to improve energy efficiency:

  • Unplug Devices: Unplug chargers, electronics, and appliances when they're not in use to prevent "phantom" energy consumption.

  • Use Ceiling Fans: Ceiling fans can help distribute conditioned air more efficiently, allowing you to set your thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer and lower in the winter.

  • Regular HVAC Maintenance: Have your heating and cooling system serviced regularly to ensure it operates efficiently. Replace air filters as recommended.

  • Upgrade to Low-Flow Fixtures: Install low-flow showerheads and faucets to reduce water usage and the energy required to heat water.

  • Plant Shade Trees: Strategically plant trees around your home to provide natural shade, which can reduce the need for air conditioning during hot months.

  • Energy Audit: Consider getting a professional energy audit of your home. This can help identify specific areas where you can make improvements to maximize energy efficiency.

By implementing these measures, you can make your home more energy-efficient, reduce your environmental footprint, and save money on energy bills over time.

Save On Energy Bills