Sneeze Guard Protection

Sneeze Guard Protection

We have a large selection of Sneeze Guard Protection, Spit Guards and other product styles to choose from that range in price and are customized to suite your business. Professional grade craftsmanship built to last. Acrylic glass protection is extremely important in today’s day and age and is a must have for any business or public service. Do not delay and contact us now in order to learn more or set up an appointment for a custom install. Magnetite is helping you help others by staying safe and protected.

Safety Glass Guards

Protect your frontline staff from COVID -19.

Help maintain the social distance and physical separation between customers and employees with our Clear Acrylic Free Standing Barriers.

Cost effective acrylic barriers for your business that help prevent the spread of infectious disease.

CALL NOW: +1 (800) 282-9544

Partition Barriers

Quick and easy to install temporary modular wall system

Lightweight and durable, TempWall by Trusscore is an easy to install modular wall system for rapid deployment of temporary rooms and isolation spaces.
Partition Barriers. The free-standing modular panels come ready to assemble allowing for a clean and quiet setup with no dust or debris. The non-porous smooth panels are easy to clean and maintain, heavy-duty, and impact resistant designed to withstand the most demanding environments… LEARN MORE

Partition Barrier ex2

Approved Government of Canada Supplier

Government of Canada

Save On Energy Bills